Situated in the Western Himalayan Mountain ranges in the state of Uttarakhand, Chopta is a part of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary and the destination that one can’t afford to miss when it comes to witnessing the magnificent Himalayan birds. It is home to amazingly exceptional birds that people have only heard about and never seen before, so it becomes difficult for them to recognize when they come across such winged creatures en route their treks, even some individuals when they see Monal, mistakenly call it a Peacock. This is not exactly how those fowls ought to be treated, they have their own identities which should be known to everybody.
For you to identify, in case those birds happens to be in the vicinity, this article provides you with pictures of Himalayan feathered creatures along with their physical appearance.
Dinesh Singh Negi is an avid bird watcher and a bird guide based at Chopta, he has been into birding for past five years and have possessed great knowledge about birds that are found in Chopta. These pictures have been acquired from him.
Himalayan Monal
State bird of Uttarakhand, 72 Centimeter
Males have long distinctive crest; blue
rump with white lower back; entire tail cinnamon- rufous.
Females have dark rump (uppertail-
coverts white); strongly demarcated white chin and throat; pale streaking on
Sound- loud ringing whistle wheee-(uw)
Himalayan Monal photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Himalayan Vulture
Large vulture, 120 Centimeter; seen
together with 1,3 or 4 the much larger size is apparent.
Readily identified by being overall
very pale sandy/creamy colored (white or underwing-coverts) with contrastingly dark
flight feathers and tail.
In contrast the Juvenile is very dark
brown overall with a whitish feathered head and neck; pale streaks especially
obvious on upperwing- coverts and underbody; almost no contrast between the
flight feathers and underwing- coverts; the pale bar on underwing-covert is
often indistinct.
Himalayan Vulture photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Himalayan Vulture photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Asian barred owlet
Often waves tail from side to side;
Identified by barring on upperparts
more broadly spaced; barring on belly usually more broken, turning to streaking
on lower flanks.
Sound- rapid bubbling wowowowowowowo…also
a repeated kaokuk call.
Asian Barred Owlet photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Snow Partridge
Medium sized bird with shorter tail,
Often found in open hillsides covered
with grass, lichens, or other low vegetation.
Sound- low whistle.
Snow Patridge photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Yellow-rumped Honeyguide
Falls under the category of nearly threatened; 15cm
Identification- orange-yellow forehead, malar area and rump.
Found in vicinity of cliffs with honeycombs of rock bees in broadleaved and coniferous forest.
Yellow rumped honey guide photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Koklass pheasant
Often remain in pairs and small groups;
male- 61cm; female- 53cm
Further divided into 4 types – a) nipalensis–
sides and flanks mainly black; no chestnut collar. b) biddulphi- chestnut
collar but not mantle. c) castanea- chestnut collar and mantle. d) nom-
sides and flanks mainly grey; no chestnut collar.
White collared black bird photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Tickell Thrush
Found in groves and forest; 21cm
Females have dusky flanks, faint
buffy streaks on ear-coverts,
Sound- juk-juk; wiw-wiw-wiw…..keek-keek.
Tickell thrush photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Fire fronted serin
Found in Hillsides with bushes and
stunted trees, screes, dwarf jupiner; 12cm
variable in plumage with adults
resembling very dark redpolls; foreparts are sooty and the forehead is red;
juveniles have buff-brown heads.
Sound- tree tree; chiriririri; twittering
Fire fronted serin photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Tawny fish owl
Has large ear tufts usually hanging
to the sides of the head and looking tousled; eyes are yellow; crown and
upperparts are orange-rufous overlaid with broad; blackish markings on the
central part of the feathers. It is dull yellow across the shoulders, whereas
flight and tail feathers are dark brown and buff; Its facial disc is pale and
off-white streaks on eyebrows and forehead.
Sound- deep whoo-hoo. It also
makes a cat-like meow.
Tawny fish owl photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Stripe throated Yuhina
12–16 cm
Rather large, dusky yuhina with
prominent erect crest; black-streaked throat and orange-buff wingpanel; slightly
forked tail
Sound- Typically calls with loud,
short, descending, very nasal “mherr” or “wherr.
Stripe throated yuhina photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Great Barbet
It is the largest barbet species; 32–35
Has a blue head; large yellow bill; brown
and green-streaked body; belly and a red vent; plumage is green.
The alarm is a harsh keeab,
and another call is a repetitive piou-piou-piou-piou.
Great barbet photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Yellow breasted greenfinch
The yellow-breasted greenfinch is
Has a brown conical bill and bright
yellow wing bars; underparts are bright yellow; sexes have similar plumage but
the female is less brightly coloured.
Yellow breasted green finch photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Rusty checked scimiter babbler photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Spot winged rosefinch
Found in dwarf Rhododendron; 16cm
Male is Identified by deep vinous-brown
upperparts, long pale pink supercilium (redder around face), rows of pink spot
on wing-bars and tertials, dull pink rump.
Female is relatively dark, streaked above,
with long buffy supercilium, two diffuse pale wing bars, pale spots on the
tertials, buffy streaked with dark brown below.
Sound- canary like chirp; wheezy schwee
Spot wing rosefinch photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Lammergeier vulture
Also called bearded vulture; over 1 metre
Brown above and tawny below; spots on the breast, black and white stripes on the head, and long bristles on the “chin.” Eaglelike feature; feathered face and legs, curved beak, strongly prehensile feet, and long curved claws.
Lammergerier vulture photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Khalij pheasant
63 to 74 cm
Are in two groups, in first group
male- plumage is glossy blue-black, though with white to the rump or underparts
in most subspecies.
In the second group, the underparts
and crest are glossy blue-black, but the tail and upperparts are white (or very
pale grey) with most feathers densely vermiculated with black.
Khalij pheasant photo by Dinesh Singh Negi
Dinesh Negi is a well known birder in Chopta region. You can also contact him being your birding guide in Chopta :)
Unlike spoken words written expressions and feelings remain loyal forever, so I thought why not become a writer and make my words immortal.
8 Responses
Super… Says
Wow.. amazing..I loved that..
Archana Says
Yes you must definitely visit this amazing place, if your are a bird enthusiastic. I can assure these birds are just sample, there are lot others.
M V Bhaktha Says
Wonderful write up with good information on birds. Chopta is in my bucket list. Amazing images by Dinesh Singh Negi ji.
Ashish Kumar Says
Beautiful… gifts from mother nature..
Sanket Agarwal Says
Very beautiful pictures and wonderfully written. Thanks for sharing ❤️
Archana Says
Of course you can, even lot more than these..
Shubhadarshini Singh Says
wonderful : all those birds. Can we really see them ?
Wow.. amazing..I loved that..
Yes you must definitely visit this amazing place, if your are a bird enthusiastic. I can assure these birds are just sample, there are lot others.
Wonderful write up with good information on birds. Chopta is in my bucket list. Amazing images by Dinesh Singh Negi ji.
Beautiful… gifts from mother nature..
Very beautiful pictures and wonderfully written. Thanks for sharing ❤️
Of course you can, even lot more than these..
wonderful : all those birds. Can we really see them ?
Visiting soon…